Christian Apologetics
The course will seek to formulate the rational basis for believing in Christian theism, with responses to objections and critiques of competing worldviews. Apologetics is the study of how to give reasons for our Christian hope (1 Pet 3:15). The course has three parts: I. Christian Theory of Knowledge, II. Historic and Contemporary Views of Apologetic Method, III. Topics in Apologetics. In the first part, we shall ask what Scripture says about human knowledge, particularly the process by which a non-Christian comes to know Christ. The second part will deal with the controversy over how to do apologetics, discussing representatives of different apologetic schools. The third part will discuss issues under debate between Christians and non-Christians: the existence of God, the truth of Scripture, the problem of evil, the currents of modern and post-modern thought.
Lecturer/ Teacher
James N. Anderson (PhD, University of Edinburgh) is Carl W. McMurray Professor of Theology and Philosophy at Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, North Carolina, and an ordained minister in the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. Anderson is a member of the Society of Christian Philosophers, the British Society for the Philosophy of Religion, and the Evangelical Philosophical Society
Course Description:
20 audio sessions
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