Essentials of Evangelism
Christianity is a relationship with God. Not a philosophy of life, but a way of life. Dr. Tuttle explains from scripture and from his own experience what the Gospel message is and how we can effectively share it with others. 90% of evangelism is showing up and paying attention. The same power of the Holy Spirit that was available to Jesus and the disciples is available to us today. Pray that you will recognize and exercise the gifts the Holy Spirit gives you to be effective in your sphere of influence.
Robert G. Tuttle, Jr., M.A. and PhD, retired E. Stanley Jones Professor of Evangelism from the Asbury Theological Seminary.
Dr. Robert G. Tuttle Jr. received an A.B. from Duke University, 1963; a B.D. from Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, 1967; a M.A. from Wheaton Graduate School of Theology, 1967; and a Ph.D. from the University of Bristol in England, 1970.
He served churches in North Carolina and Colorado before beginning a teaching career that took him to Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, Calif., to the Oral Roberts Graduate School of Theology, Garrett, and to the Evangelical Theological Seminary and Asbury Theological Seminary’s (Kentucky and Florida campusses).
He has preached and/or taught in practically every state in the United States and in more than 30 countries all over the world. He has published over a dozen books over the years and made contributions to several others.
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Ten video Lectures.
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