Essentials of the Old Testament
About the Course
This is our plan, to have introduction and Genesis and part of Exodus as one facet; then law, then history, then prophecy, then poetry. Those are the kinds of divisions that we think will make sense for you and help you have a basic structure on which to hang your understanding of the Old Testament as it is developing.
Douglas K. Stuart is Professor of Old Testament at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, an interdenominational Evangelical Seminary.[1]
Stuart received his B.A. magna cum laude from Harvard College in 1964, spent two years at Yale Divinity School, and in 1971 received his PhD in Near Eastern Languages and Literature from Harvard University, on meter in Hebrew Poetry.
He also served as the senior pastor of the Linebrook Church of Ipswich, Massachusetts, and was the former senior pastor of Boxford's First Congregational Church. He is the father of eight grown children, four of which he and his wife adopted. He currently resides in Bradford, Massachusetts and watches over two tree farms in Farmington, New Hampshire.
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