We are currently worshipping at St. Nicholas' Episcopal Church, 350 Route 1 in Scarborough, while our building on Gorham Road is being renovated. Worship begins at 11:30 am, and we ask that people arrive no earlier than 11:15 as another service is finishing up. We will not be holding evening worship during the renovations.  Renovations to our building are expected to be completed by the beginning of March 2025.



Attention is given to each writer’s literary art, theological teaching, pastoral purpose, and message for today’s church and world. Course Objectives: • To gain familiarity with the contents of the four Gospels. • To gain acquaintance with the main theories of authorship, origin, and compositional relationship of the Gospels. • To understand and evaluate, discerningly, the main lines of historical criticism of the Gospels in the modern period. • To understand the main elements of the message of Jesus, revealed in word and deed, as reflected in the unified witness of the Gospels. • To recognize the distinctive emphases of each of the four Gospels, and the implications of their diversity for interpretation and proclamation. • To grow in personal responsiveness to the Gospel’s message of faith, repentance, humility, obedience, joy, etc.


Dr. Michael J. Kruger (Ph.D., University of Edinburgh) is President and the Samuel C. Patterson Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity at Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, NC. He is one of the leading scholars today in the study of the origins of the New Testament, particularly the development of the New Testament canon and the transmission of the New Testament text. He is the author of numerous books including The Gospel of the Savior (Brill, 2005), The Heresy of Orthodoxy (Crossway, 2010, with Andreas Köstenberger), Canon Revisited (Crossway, 2012), and The Question of Canon (IVP, 2013). He is also the co-editor of The Early Text of the New Testament (Oxford, 2012), and Gospel Fragments (Oxford, 2009). Dr. Kruger is ordained in the Presbyterian Church in America and also serves (part-time) as Pastor of Teaching at Uptown PCA in downtown Charlotte.

Course Description

30 part audio series

To access the Course, please click here:

https://subsplash.com/reformtheosem /learn-about-rts/li/+372fdae

Join us Sundays at 

10:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m.