His Mission: Jesus in the Gospel of Luke
The Gospel Coalition: 2013 Conference
Click Here for all Lectures:
The Biblical Basis for Missions: Treasures in Jars of Clay
(2 Corinthians 4: 1-12) By: Don Carson
Are People Without Christ Really Lost? By: Andy Davis
The Heart of God in the Call to Proclaim. Our Goal? To Please Hm (2 Corinthians 5: 1-10). By John Piper
The Individual’s Suffering and the Salvation of the World. By: Michael Oh
Why the Great Commission is Great. By: David Platt
The Shape of Things to Come in Missions. By: Zane Pratt
Reframing Pastoral Work. By: Bob Doll and Tom Nelson
Reframing Pastoral Work #2 . By: Tom Nelson, Tim Keller, John Yates, Bob Doll, and Crawford Loritts
Rethinking Work. By: David Kiersznowski
Rethinking Work Panel Discussion. By: Tim Keller, Tom Nelson, David Kiersznowski, and Katherine Leary Alsdorf
Redefining Work. By: Tim Keller
Redefining Work Panel Discussion. By: Tim Keller, Tom Nelson, David Kiersznowski, Katherine Leary Alsdorf, and Greg Foster