Starting on Sunday, July 7, 2024, We will be worshipping at St. Nicholas' Episcopal Church, 350 Route 1 in Scarborough, while our building on Gorham Road is being renovated. Worship will start at 11:30 am, and we ask that people arrive no earlier than 11:15 as another service is finishing up. We will not be holding evening worship during the renovations.  Renovations to our building are expected to be completed by the beginning of March 2025.

The Attributes of God

The Attributes of God


About the Course

In this brief course our focus is on the incommunicable or metaphysical attributes of God. The audio sermons by David Gibson will be our guide, following Jen Wilkin’s delightful book, None Like Him: 10 Ways God is Different from Us (and Why That’s a Good Thing). We will provide supplementary resources along the way also. All this to help in our pursuit of knowing him who is incomprehensible and yet who has revealed himself to us that we may glory in knowing him.



 Course Sections




To Start the Course, Click Here:

Join us Sundays at 

10:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m.