We are currently worshipping at St. Nicholas' Episcopal Church, 350 Route 1 in Scarborough, while our building on Gorham Road is being renovated. Worship begins at 11:30 am, and we ask that people arrive no earlier than 11:15 as another service is finishing up. We will not be holding evening worship during the renovations.  Renovations to our building are expected to be completed by the beginning of March 2025.

The Beginning of Life and Abortion

The Beginning of Life and Abortion


Course Description

Examining the Challenges and Complexities of Upholding the Sanctity of Life from a Christian Worldview



The Gospel Coalition in Partnership with The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission
The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission is the public policy arm of the Southern Baptist Convention, the second-largest Christian denomination in the United States, with over 16 million members in over 43,000 independent churches. 


Course Content:


To Start the Course, Click Here:




Join us Sundays at 

10:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m.