History of Christianity- Part 1

History of Christianity

Part 1

This general introduction to Christianity in the early church and medieval era focuses on the key persons, movements, and ideas that have made significant contributions to the history of the church. Special attention will be given to exploring how experiences and insights from the Christian past inform contemporary faith and practice. As an outcome of the course, students should have a general grasp of Christian history during these periods and a basic knowledge of the major personalities and ecclesiastical issues of the first 1500 years of church history.

Lecturer/ Teacher

Dr. S. Donald Fortson III Professor of Church History and Pastoral Theology. Director, Doctor of Ministry Program.

Dr. Fortson joined the faculty of RTS as Associate Professor of Church History in 1997. Prior to RTS, he served as Assistant Professor of Ministry and the Director of Ministry Program at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Before his teaching career, Dr. Fortson was a pastor for nine years; he continues his pastoral ministry through teaching, preaching in local churches and leadership in the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. In addition to his work at RTS, he is a visiting professor at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and lectures in other venues throughout the region on church history.

Covenant College, B.A.
Columbia Theological Seminary, MDiv, DMin
Westminster Theological Seminary, Ph.D.

Course Description

24 audio sessions

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